Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, is a serious oral health issue that impacts your gums, the structures that support your teeth, and the health of your whole body. When it first begins, however, you may not even be aware of its presence. As it progresses, it continues to worsen, leading to gum recession, loose teeth, and even tooth loss. When periodontal disease develops, treatment is needed. The type of treatment you receive depends upon the severity of the condition. The Dentists at North Cypress can help.
Periodontal disease is the result of a bacterial infection in your mouth. The bacteria irritate your gums, which leads to inflammation. Eventually, swollen gum tissue begins to pull away from your teeth, which leads to the formation of periodontal pockets. Bacteria fall into these pockets and begin attacking your gums from the inside. Pockets grow deeper, and the bacteria eventually reach the periodontal ligaments and jawbone. Over time, your gums begin to recede, your teeth become loose, and your teeth may even fall out.
Scaling and root planing is a common treatment for periodontal disease. It is a sort of deep cleaning for your teeth. Scaling is the cleaning of the visible surfaces of your teeth. Using an ultrasonic scaler, which uses low-frequency sound waves that vibrate against your teeth, we can effectively break up and remove plaque, tartar, bacteria, and other debris.
We pay close attention to the areas around and just under the gum line.
Root planing is the cleaning of the root surfaces of your teeth. Special tools are inserted below the gum line to smooth away plaque, bacteria, and other toxins. By removing buildup from the roots of your teeth, it becomes more difficult for new bacteria to accumulate.
If your periodontal pockets are too deep, scaling and root planing may not be enough. In this case, pocket reduction surgery may be necessary. With this treatment, small incisions are created in the gums to expose the root surfaces of your teeth. We are then able to provide your teeth with the thorough cleaning they need. Once finished, your gums are sutured closed against your teeth and the tissue can begin to reattach.
If bacteria have been attacking your periodontal ligaments and your jawbone, this can lead to the formation of bony defects. These defects are areas of bone loss that create hiding places for bacteria. This can make effectively cleaning your teeth more difficult. In this case, you may be recommended for osseous surgery. Typically performed in conjunction with pocket reduction surgery, osseous surgery involves smoothing out bony defects. We are then able to effectively eliminate bacteria so that your gums can reattach to your jawbone and your teeth. If you have lost too much bone mass, a bone graft may also be required.
Periodontal disease can result in gum recession as well as bone loss. These issues can be treated with soft tissue and bone grafting. Soft tissue grafting is a surgical procedure that is performed to restore a healthy, natural gum line following gum recession. Bone grafting restores missing bone mass. It is commonly performed following tooth loss when the bone is too weak to support dental implants. It may also be necessary during osseous surgery if bony defects are too large.
With the right treatment for periodontal disease, we can help to stop the progression of the disease and help your mouth to heal. For more information, and to schedule your appointment, call The Dentists at North Cypress today.