
Dental Emergencies

When faced with an emergency, it is easy to panic, especially when you do not know what to do. Dental emergencies are no different. If you do not know what to do, you might rush off to the emergency room. The truth, however, is that most dental emergencies do not require emergency medical care. In some cases, you may be able to treat an emergency from the comfort of your own home. When you are faced with a dental emergency, The Dentists at North Cypress is here to help.

Treating Emergencies At Home

There are some dental emergencies that can be treated at home without professional care. One of these emergencies is a bitten lip, tongue, or cheek. These injuries can be painful, but they are rarely dangerous. If you are bleeding, place a piece of moistened gauze over the wound and apply gentle pressure. Change the gauze as needed. If you are experiencing pain, over the counter pain relievers or an ice pack can help. Typically, these injuries should heal in just a few days. If bleeding is very heavy or lasts longer than 15 minutes, then you should seek care at an emergency room.

Another emergency that can sometimes be treated at home is a toothache. This type of pain can indicate an infection, but it can also simply indicate that something is stuck between your teeth. First, carefully brush and floss your teeth and rinse your mouth out with a salt water solution. If nothing is removed, the toothache persists, or you notice other symptoms of an infection, call to schedule an appointment right away.

Emergency Care In The Office

We can provide care for some different types of dental emergencies. When faced with an emergency, call the office right away to schedule your appointment. We will do our best to get you seen right away. Common issues we can treat in the office include:

• Toothaches. A toothache can be a symptom of an infection, which can often be treated with a root canal.

• Physical damage. A chipped or cracked tooth is susceptible to further damage and infections. Damage can often be treated with a crown.

• Tooth intrusion. Tooth intrusion occurs when a tooth is pushed deeper into the jawbone. These types of injuries are more common in younger individuals, as the jawbone is softer. When a tooth is pushed deeper into the socket, it is important not to attempt to fix it on your own. We can set the tooth back into the proper position and secure it with a splint while the periodontal ligament and bone heal.

• Partially dislodged teeth. In some cases, a tooth may become partially dislodged. Like tooth intrusion, it is important not to try to move the tooth on your own. We can place it back into its proper position and secure it while the supporting structures heal.

• Tooth avulsion. If a permanent tooth has been completely knocked out, it may be possible to replant it. Find the tooth and clean it off, careful to handle the tooth only by the crown. Store it in a glass of milk or salt water until your appointment. We can replant the tooth and secure it in our office. If the tooth cannot be replanted, we will discuss your options for replacement.

When Should I Go To The Emergency Room?

In some cases, emergency medical care may be necessary, and you should go straight to the emergency room. These situations include:

• Excessive, uncontrollable bleeding.

• Unmanageable pain.

• Excessive swelling.

• You suspect a broken jaw.

Getting the right treatment right away can help to prevent serious issues from developing following a dental emergency. If you have suffered a dental emergency, and are unsure of what you need to do next, call The Dentists at North Cypress today at (281) 664-8100.